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    One reason you may not have thought of that makes your daughter's First Moon Initiation so important...

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    First Moon: Energetic Field separation from Mother & introduction to her HERstory

    Women are designed to go through several transformations in their lifetimes that radically change their experience of life and how others experience them. 

    The first major transformation is when the Maiden enters the realm of the Mother and begins her first blood and her courtship with the moon. 

    A very integral...

    Why Empowered Birth?

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    It's no accident that in the U.S. many women don't even know that they can birth without drugs or medical intervention and that the experience can be empowering, a bonding experience with their baby and a spiritual awakening or shaman-like initiation. Once certain opportunistic men in power caught wind of the potential money to be made off of womens' bodies - birth and breastfeeding were gobbled...


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    At birth:
    There is an intense body-to- body connection between mother and baby, and when left undisturbed, skin-to-skin, mother and baby respond to each other, soul to soul, as their instinct unfolds: the transfer of information from nerve endings in skin traveling deep into the central nervous system. Raw, naked, wet sensuality, communication between bodies, pulsing vehicles of exchange. Like...

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