Custom Inlay of DNA Keepsake "Crystal," Stone and Metal (of your choice) Ring

Your DNA Keepsake inlayed (under thick glass) and combined with your choice of stone in your choice of metal.
***Once purchased we will send you a prepaid shipping package with all instructions to send back your DNA and to attain your ring size -making the operation as easy and streamlined as possible. Please be sure to include your correct shipping address at point of payment. Your breastmilk/ashes/blood etc. will be separated from others' and labeled throughout the entire process of making your keepsake.
Email me at with your vision for the accompanying stone and we will communicate back if we have it or something comparable in stock.
Please allow 4-6 weeks (after I have received your DNA keepsake) for us to complete your keepsake pendant.
This is a VERY potent form of magick. Your P O W E R F U L, life-giving blood from your moon, your placenta or even taken from your arm (by your doctor).
I make each personally. In sacred, ritual-space, with intention. I listen to the blood and cast your moon spell.
*For the best luck in capturing your moon blood - please purchase a Diva Cup through our shop:
An Ashes talisman will help to keep a line of communication between you and your departed loved one. It makes for a wonderful touch-stone when you are feeling the lack of a departed loved-ones presence. An excellent way to celebrate the life of someone you love who has moved from this plane of existence to their next adventure.
I make each personally. In sacred, ritual-space, with intention. I listen to the spirit if they choose to speak to me.
What better way to see the Goddess but by acknowledging your own divinity, physical abundance and magick. She is YOU. YOU are the Goddess and your baby's first Guru! May you see yourself from the vantage point of your adoring baby as the Goddess you are - always. Mark this moment of your always transforming mother journey with a breastmilk keepsake.
**Note: Because your Breastmilk/Blood/Ashes are unique, your jewelry's "crystal" color may vary from the picture shown.